About Recovery
Recovery Principles:-
1) People suffering with mental illness or with addictive disease can and do recover.
2) The journey of every person to recovery is individual and unique.
3) Recovery actually is defined through the eyes of the consumer rather than the provider.
4) Recovery is a an unique process of growth.
5) Recovery is not necessarily a smooth transition from one stage to the next for anyone and everyone.
6) Recovery involves facts like, changing one’s attitudes, taking on new roles and developing new real life skills.
7) Recovery requires high level of sustaining hope.

Relapse Prevention Plan:
At Barasat Life Foundation, we provide skilled personal counselors who assist clients to create their own relapse prevention plan. The plan is customized for each and every client to address all areas of life in relation to relapse prevention. The complete relapse helps in assisting a client to be confident and ready to succeed. It is always suggested that a client will create an organized written plan so they can understand and follow,
1) The knowledge about addiction and relapse prevention plan
2) Become stronger and healthier both physically and mentally
3) Grow skills in problem solving and clear thinking
4) Develop skills in using positive relaxation techniques
5) Become an expert communicator
Recovery can be done in phases like, Rehabilitation, Recovery & Reintegration. There has been a shift in the paradigm guiding mental health and rehabilitation services for person with (Mental) psychiatric illness. The RECOVERY model has been agreed and accepted world over and is followed at Barasat Life Foundation.
Clinical Recovery:
As defined by psychiatrists and psychologists, the reduction/cessation of symptoms to help the patients to regain a normal life.
Personal Recovery:
Refers to an ongoing holistic process of personal growth, healing and self determination. we maintain mental health rehabilitation along with clinical and personal recovery and it embraces and mandates Hope, Wellness and Empowerment. The effects of mental illness and trauma, associated with relapse of symptoms negative attitude from family , friends, professionals and towards one self with Loss of role and positive identity in society creates a bad Stigma and discrimination.
We have overcomers who visit Barasat Life Foundation from time to time in order to motivate in mates who are trying to come out of their addiction related problems. Motivational classes and the counselling sessions happen at regular intervals while the counsellor meets the residents on a daily basis. Counsellor is the one point person who co-ordinates with the whole team and is the main contact person for the family all visits and updates.
Family being the primary care takers as a part of the rehabilitation program are helped to develop skills to manage the person with mental and health related problems and are given awareness of the condition and medications. At Barasat Life Foundation the family sessions are organized in order to :
• Understanding the area of conflict between the resident(person with mental illness) and family members
• Better understanding of the problem and treatment measures and its outcomes
• Help and identify area of communication creating conflict or problem and improve communication patterns in the family
• Help enhance problem solving, coping skills and strategies.
To understand our rehabilitation process, one has to understand our perspective towards ‘The Disease’ and ‘The Recovery’ i.e., the problem and the solution. We strongly suggest that you go through the page “Addiction/ Alcoholism & Recovery” before going through this page. In order to ensure the best result of rehabilitation process we have formulated a therapeutic community comprising of suffering and recovering Addicts/ Alcoholics. The theme of the rehabilitation process is “Attraction rather than Promotion”. When a suffering Addict/ Alcoholic get attracted toward a recovering Addict, he starts following the footsteps of his predecessor’s in recovery. That is the easiest and most successful method of motivating one toward recovery. Though we have psychiatrist and general physician but our rehabilitation procedure is not based on medication. Medicines definitely play a vital role for general ailment but that is not the foundation of this rehabilitation process. We follow a rehabilitation process based on counseling, group sessions, therapeutic duty, behavioral therapy, yoga, meditation, etc.
De- addiction Programs
Alcoholism and addiction can happen to anybody and there is no specific sex, occupation, education background, family background, social status that has exception. Alcohol addiction along with damaging the physical health has its adverse effects on marital life, personal life, and occupational life leading to divorce, unemployment and even stigmatization.
Tension can be physical, mental or psychosocial. Tension can be a predisposing factor in some for drinking alcohol. Hence if the issues leading to tension and skills to manage tension if not addressed can be a factor for relapse. At Barasat Life Foundation, for Alcohol and Drug De-addition and rehabilitation all residents undergoing the program are taught relaxation techniques both conventional like deep muscle relaxation, relaxation imagery and those derived from Yoga to manage stress appropriately.
Many people with harmful drinking and even dependence will have peculiar beliefs about the reason and cause for them to drink and continue to drink despite the awareness about the harmful effects of the alcohol. Here the irrational, counterproductive beliefs and attitudes contribute to continue drinking. At Barasat Life Foundation for Alcohol and Drug De-Addiction and rehabilitation with cognitive restructuring in both individual and group level the person is made to understand the his/her faulty understanding harming them.
After Care Services
Left untreated, addiction is a devastating disease that is chronic, relapse-prone, progressive, and sometimes fatal. Recovery is an ongoing process, which is why a personalized continuing care plan is part of every client’s treatment experience. A strong continuing care program is important to help you stay sober, in addition to various continuing care groups and outpatient services. Clients and family are offered a structured follow-up plan post discharge which helps them to review their progress and address any challenges. Prior to discharge, each client goes through a personalized and comprehensive Relapse Prevention Plan. Individual relapse triggers are identified and discussed.
Moreover, a Family Communication Session is conducted between the client and family members, the goal of which is to:
1) Build a fresh, rewarding relationship with the addict
2) Be supportive without setting themselves up for disappointment
3) Avoid enabling destructive behavior
4) Set and maintain boundaries
5) Cope with relapse
6) Deal with the practicalities of sober living, such as helping the addict find a job and deal with the stigma of addiction
7) Local AA/ NA meeting addresses are provided on discharge. Regular contact with the client is also established via social media and you can contact us 24/7 at: 9674338598 or 9883824659